The story revolves around two sisters, Simar (Deepika Samson) and Roli (Avika Gor), who eventually get married to brothers Prem Bharadwaj (Dheeraj Dhoopar) and Siddhant Bhardwaj (Manish Raisinghan).These two sisters are perfect daughter-in-laws of the Bharadwaj family and they solve and handle different unimaginary problems and incidents happens in their lives. Moondru Mudichu Polimer TV Moondru Mudichu Tamil Serial Online Moondru Mudichu Polimer TV Serial 10th January 2019Watch Polimer Tv Moondru Mudichu 10.01.19 Serial Mundru Mudichu 10/01/19 Latest Today Episode Online AtMoondru Mudichu – Polimer tv Serial Polimer tv Moondru Mudichu 10-01-19 Polimer tv Serial 10th January 2019Synopsis: It tells the story of two close sisters, Simar and Roli, who fall in love with two brothers and live together as daughters-in-law in the Bharadwaj household.